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撰写时间:2017-11-23 [来源:南海水产研究所 ]



2018-2019年美国纽约州立大学(State University of New York at Stony Brook)公派访问学者

1. 浅海生源要素生物地球化学循环
2. 多营养层次综合养殖模式与关键技术

1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(41976149)“贝类筏式养殖对沉积环境氧化还原格局的影响及作用机制—以大亚湾牡蛎筏式养殖为例”,74万元,2020-2023
2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(41106088),主持,“华贵栉孔扇贝大规模筏式养殖在亚热带海湾碳循环中的作用”,27万元,2012-2014。
3. 科技部重点研发计划“蓝色粮仓”专项(2018YFD0900703),“南海区浅海多营养层次综合养殖区及毗邻水域生源要素转归与驱动机制”175万元,2018-2022
4. 农业部南锋二期 (No.NFZX2020),“南海渔业资源调查与评估—海藻资源调查与评价”,110万元,2020
5. 水科院基本费重点项目(2019ZD0102),“大亚湾沉积环境对不同养殖模式的响应机制”,60万元,2020-2022
6. 重点研发计划973课题(2015CB452904)子任务,“贝类增养殖对海湾物质输入通量和迁移转化的影响”,40万元,2017-2019
7. 广东省自然科学基金(S2013010016737),“贝类生物耦联作用及其对水-沉积物界面元素通量的影响”,5万元,2013.10-2015.10。
8. 珠江科技新星计划(2013J2200092),“滤食性贝类筏式养殖对浅海生源要素生物地球化学循环的影响”,30万元,2012-2014。
9. 农业部南锋二期 (No.NFZX2019),“南海渔业资源调查与评估—海藻资源调查与评价”,150万元,2019.

1. Tingting Han, Rongjun Shi, Qi Zhanhui*, Honghui Huang, Fengxia Wu, Xiuyu Gong. Biogenic acidification of Portuguese oyster Magallana angulata mariculture can be mediated through introducing brown seaweed Sargassum hemiphyllum. Aquaculture.  520 (2020) 734972 (JCR1区, TOP).
2. Rongjun Shi, Honghui Huang, Zhanhui Qi*, Tingting Han. Distribution patterns of nirS-encoding and nirK-encoding denitrifiers in the surface sediment of Pearl River estuary. Russian Journal of Marine Biology, 2019, 45, 6, 453-463.
3. Rongjun Shi, Shumin Xu, Qi Zhanhui, Zhu Qingzhi, Huang Honghui. The Influence of Suspended Mariculture on the Composition and Vertical Distribution of Bacteria in Sediment Profiles in Daya Bay, southern China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2019, 146, 816–826. IF=3.782
4. Qi Zhanhui, Rongjun Shi, Tingting Han, Chunhou Li, Shannan Xu, Qingyang Liang, Shumin Xu, Heizhao Lin, Wei Yu, Honghui Huang. Nutrient release from fish cage aquaculture and mitigation strategies in Daya Bay, southern China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2019, 146, 399-407. IF=3.782
5. Shi Rongjun, Xu Shumin, Qi Zhanhui*,Huang Honghui, Liang Qingyang. 2019. Seasonal patterns and environmental drivers of nirS- and nirK-encoding denitrifiers in sediments of Daya Bay, China. Oceanologia 61(3), 308-320. IF=1.61
6. Han Tingting, Qi Zhanhui, Huang Honghui, Xiuli Liao,Wenwen Zhang. Nitrogen uptake and growth responses of seedlings of the brown seaweed Sargassum hemiphyllum under controlled culture conditions. Journal of Applied Phycology, 2018, 30(1): 507-515. IF=2.40
7. Quanxin Gao, Yunli Li, Qi Zhanhui, Yanfeng Yue, Minghua Min, Shiming Peng, Zhaohong Shi, Yang Gao. Diverse and abundant antibiotic resistance genes from mariculture sites of China's coastline. Science of The Total Environment, 2018, 630, 117-125. IF=4.90
8. Han Tingting, Shi Rongjun, Qi Zhanhui*, Liang Qingyang, Huang Honghui, Liu Huaxue. Interacted effects of Portuguese oyster Crassostrea angulata and red seaweed Gracilaria lemaneiformis on seawater dissolved inorganic carbon system: implications for integrated multi-trophic aquaculture in Chinese coastal waters. Aquaculture Environment Interactions. 2017, 9, 469-478. IF=2.10
9. Han Tingting, Qi Zhanhui, Huang Honghui, Fu Guiquan. Biochemical and uptake responses of the macroalga Gracilaria lemaneiformis under urea enrichment conditions. Aquatic Botany, 2017, 136: 197-204. IF=1.78
10. Yu Zonghe, Zhou Yi, Qi Zhanhui, Luo Peng, Hu Chaoqun. Temporal dynamics in clearance rate of the Portuguese oyster Crassostrea angulata cultivated in Dapeng Cove, southern China. Aquaculture, 2017, 479: 824–828. IF=2.71
11. Liu Shan, Xu Xiang-Rong, Qi Zhan-Hui, Chen Hui, Hao Qin-Wei, Hu Yong-Xia, Zhao Jian-Liang, Ying Guang-Guo. Steroid bioaccumulation profiles in typical freshwater aquaculture environments of South China and their human health risks via fish consumption. Environmental Pollution, 2017, 228: 72 -81. IF=4.36
12. Jiang, T., Yu, Z., Qi Zhanhui, Chai, C. and Qu, K. (2016) Effects of intensive mariculture on the sediment environment as revealed by phytoplankton pigments in a semi-enclosed bay, South China Sea. Aquaculture Research, 2017, 48(4): 1923-1935. IF=1.48
13. Qi Zhanhui, Tingting Han, Jihong Zhang, Honghui Huang, Yuze Mao, Zengjie Jiang, Jianguang Fang. First report on in situ biodeposition rates of ascidians (Ciona intestinalis and Styela clava) during summer in Sanggou Bay, northern China. Aquaculture Environment Interactions, 2015, 6: 233-239. IF=2.37
14. Qi Zhanhui, Wang Jun, Mao Yuze, Zhang Jihong, Jiang Zengjie, Fang Jianguang. Use of the sea urchin Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus for biological control of fouling in suspended scallop cultivation in Northern China. Aquaculture, 2014, 420-421, 270-274. (IF=2.71)
15. Jun Wang, Qi Zhanhui, Yang Zhencai. Evaluation of the protein requirement of juvenile Chinese soft-shelled turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis) fed practical diets. Aquaculture, 2014, 433, 252-255. (IF=2.71)
16. Qi Zhanhui, Wang Jun, Mao Yuze, Liu Hongmei, Fang Jianguang. Feasibility of offshore co-culture of abalone Haliotis discus hannai Ino and sea cucumber Stichopus japonicus in a temperate zone. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 2013, 44(4): 565-573. (IF=1.34)
17. Yu Zonghe, Qi Zhanhui, Hu Chaoqun, Liu Wenguang, Honghui Huang. Effects of salinity on ingestion, oxygen consumption and ammonium excretion rates of the sea cucumber Holothuria leucospilota. Aquaculture Research, 2013, 44, 1760–1767. IF=1.48
18. Shi Rongjun, Huang Honghui, Qi Zhanhui, Hu Weian, Tian Ziyang, Dai Ming. Algicidal activity against Skeletonema costatum by marine bacteria isolated from a high frequency HAB area of the southern Chinese coast. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2013, 29:153–162. IF=2.10
19. Qi Zhanhui, Liu Hongmei, Li Bin, Mao Yuze, Jiang Zengjie, Fang Jianguang. Suitability of two seaweeds Gracilaria lemaneiformis and Sargassum pallidum as potential feed for the abalone Haliotis discus hannal Ino cultured in Sanggou Bay. Aquaculture, 2010, 300: 189-193.
20. Qi Zhanhui, Fang Jianguang, Zhang Jihong, Ge Changzi, Mao Yuze, Jiang Zengjie. Effects of mass of artificial fouling on the growth and survival of two scallop species cultured in Sanggou Bay, China. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 2010, 41: 145-150.




